
【马来文】400+ 马来成语 Simpulan Bahasa ,全附有中文解释,适合中学生&小学生的成语大全!

  1. abang angkat 干哥哥,把比自己年长而没有血缘关系的男子当成亲生哥哥
  2. abu dajal 骚扰者,恶作剧者
  3. abu jahal 奸诈阴险的人
  4. abu lahab 喜欢搞破坏、搅局的人
  5. abu nawas 诡计多端,善于找借口
  6. abui mata 善于欺诈以至于人们不知真相
  7. aci-acian 发白日梦
  8. ada angin 喜怒无常,性格变幻莫测
  9. ada bakat / ada gaya 才华横溢
  10. ada bukti 证据确凿
  11. ada can 有机会
  12. ada hajat 有企图,有心意
  13. ada hal 有想说或想做的事
  14. ada harapan 有机会做某事或得到某物
  15. ada hati 暗恋/有心意
  16. ada ingatan 常常思考或回忆的事情
  17. ada jalan 有办法解决问题
  18. ada otak 聪明伶俐
  19. ada rezeki 有机会得到想要的东西/想做的事
  20. ada riak 有征兆,有迹象
  21. ada sengat / ada taring 掌握权力
  22. adu domba 挑拨离间,煽风点火
  23. adu lidah 起争执,斗嘴
  24. adu mata 互相对看
  25. ahli fikir 哲学家
  26. air bujang 仅供饮料但毫无糕点的招待
  27. air mati 开水,经过煮沸的饮用水
  28. air muka 样貌;面子,名誉
  29. air tawar 淡水;灵水,被巫师施下咒语的水
  30. ajak-ajak ayam 虚情假意,没诚意邀请某人
  31. ajal samar 突然死去的人
  32. akal budi 思想和观念正确良好
  33. akal kancil 诡计多端,善于找借口
  34. akal labah-labah 善于说谎的人
  35. ala kadar 尽力而为
  36. alas cakap 前言,开场白
  37. alas kubur 背黑锅
  38. alas perut 点心
  39. alih angin 到别处游览以开拓视野或获得新经验
  40. alih langkah 另起炉灶,做出新的尝试
  41. alim kucing 假慈悲,假装善良
  42. ambil angin 散心
  43. ambil berat 嘘寒问暖,重视关心
  44. ambil hati 介意;讨好
  45. ambil mudah 以为事情容易进行
  46. anak angkat / anak tut 养子;养女
  47. anak buah 下属
  48. anak bulan 新月(初一的月亮)
  49. anak dagang 外来人,外国人
  50. anak dara 少女
  51. anak emas 掌上明珠,被家人宠爱的孩子
  52. anak gahara 太子(继承王位的帝王之子)
  53. anak gundik 国王其他妃子(平民)所生的孩子
  54. anak kandung 亲生骨肉
  55. anak kapal 水手,在船舶上工作的人
  56. anak panggung / anak wayang 演员,艺术表演者
  57. anak yatim 孤儿
  58. angkat batu 表示不懂
  59. angkat bakul 自我夸耀,自吹自擂
  60. angkat diri 自高自大
  61. angkat kaki 逃之夭夭,离开到别的地方
  62. angkat mata 敢怒敢言,勇于反对
  63. angkat muka 挺身而出
  64. anjing kurap 贫贱的人
  65. asam garam 人生经验
  66. atas angin 西方国家
  67. atas pagar 不偏不倚,中立
  68. ayam tambatan 热门选手,在比赛中被寄予厚望的人


【华文】STPM 第三学期现代文选笔记 PPT

【英文 Essay】"Respect for the elders is lacking among youngsters today." Do you agree?

Respect is needed for a society to work well. Children are usually taught by their parents to respect their elders, but it is disturbing to learn that many youngsters are not sensitive towards elderly people nowadays. Recently, there has been an increasing number of news articles on old folks expressing disappointment over how they were treated in public, especially by the young ones. Much resentment has been generated between these two groups of people. Therefore, I strongly agree that respect for the elders does lack among youngsters today.










林景胜 著


【英文 Essay】"Money is the root of all evil"

Money, or in its formal statements, the currency is a thing that was conceived long before the age of the technology. Tracing back to the prehistoric era, we humans invented currency as a means of replacing the bartering system. The creation of currency enabled humans to make transactions with dealers without any inconveniences whatsoever. As time passed, the evolution of currency also advanced greatly, inventing new ideas such as the ATM, credit cards, and even online transactions. What was before a method of convenience has now evolved into a basic necessity.

However, due to its importance in our daily lives, we humans have toiled restlessly to earn money. What was before a basic necessity has now risen to be our masters, or in other words, God. We let our lives be controlled by money, and we labor hard to our body's limits for more. Nevertheless, some unscrupulous miscreants who loathe the idea of work tend to use some devious methods for the sake of earning quick bucks, sometimes at the expense of others. Some are willing to turn their backs on good just for the sake of money. Such events have inspired the well-known quote: money is the root of all evil.

"Money is the root of all evil" is truly a realistic quote if we examine from a religious point of view. In Christianity, evil is formed by the seven cardinal sins, namely pride, envy, lust, gluttony, wrath, sloth, and greed. The sins are also connected with the Ouroboros, meaning the serpent who devours itself. Coincidentally, money 'inspires' all seven sins in mortals, which causes mortals to pit themselves against each other, about devouring itself. Therefore, I conclude that money causes humans to commit unredeemable sins. The question is, how?

First and foremost, money is the catalyst for greed or avarice inside the human soul. In the basics of economy, 'want' is an infinite hole that cannot be filled. When we have one wish fulfilled, another kind of 'want' appears, by the myth of the Hydra. Therefore, when one gets his hand on a sizeable amount of money, it is undeniable that he will not feel contented and will strive to obtain more. The more we get, the more we want, thus continuing the endless cycle of greed. As the list for getting money gets shorter and shorter, some individuals turn to the dark side. Some are even capable of betraying their companions for the sake of satisfying their own greed. As the never-ending cycle continues on, greed will eventually destroy the nation, the globe, and inevitably humanity itself.

Money is also the reason why we humans have become ever so prideful. In our current policy, money is equivalent to power and status. Without money, one is condemned to be lowly status, or crudely, from the gutter. However, humans tend to get drunk on their own power and money and start to consider themselves as elite or superior. This hubris often goads them to oppress those of the lower class in a flaunt display of their status. As the situation worsens, riots and strikes occur daily all around the globe due to oppressive employers, causing numerous causalities and death.

Money also inspires the sins, sloth, lust, and gluttony in the human psyche. As humans have an increasing rise in income, they tend to indulge in hedonistic cultures such as frequenting pubs, drinking, prostitution, etc. Rich individuals also abstain from plain and common 'swill' and stuff their mouths with caviar, abalone or lobsters. With this indulgent lifestyle, it's not a wonder why most rich people tend to get obese rather easily. As humans earn more, they start to work less, leaving their subordinates to shoulder the role of a coolie while they sit back and relax. As time passes by, they start to waste away.

As for the last two sins, envy and wrath, they are like twins and both complete each other due to the presence of money. As stated before, money is tantamount to the status and power of an individual. This causes those from the lower class to look high up, green with envy. As their jealousy accumulates, they start to be resentful at the unfairness of it all. This resentment is eventually manifested in domestic violence or cruelty to others, rebellions, riots, or even homicides, which always result in the same thing - death. It is all for the sake of money.

Money, which was once a tool of convenience has now risen to be God. The throne it sits upon is built from ashes, bones, and blood-borne from countless corpses. This dystopia will continue unless humanity realizes the sins they committed for the sake of money.

Written by Loh Jia Quan
Adapted on 18/03/2020