
【英文】 超好用作文惯用语 / 名言,让批改老师对你刮目相看!Essay Useful Expressions & Quotations


不过千万要记得,所谓学以致用不是叫你学了一大堆就在考试时硬是乱用全部进去。作文追求的是 Quality,而不是 Quantity。小编不多挑,专门从参考书转载几个较常见的。

*建议在写作添加 expressions 之前,一定要知道怎样加入句子才不会读起来怪怪的(这得靠你们自己去网上找咯)

Arguments / Disagreements / Disputes 冲突争议类
A bone of contention
A matter / a subject where there is a lot of disagreements 争论的起因,争论的焦点
all hell breaks loose
A sudden angry or noisy reaction to something 突然恼怒或乱作一团(尤指人们顿时争吵、打斗)
argue the toss
One who disputes the choice that has already been made 唱反调
at loggerheads
To be in conflict / disagreement with someone or group or organisation 和某人/组织起冲突
bone to pick
One is annoyed with someone over a particular matter and wants to talk about it ...不满而有意见;有可挑剔的事(争端)
bury the hatchet
People who have had a quarrel decide to forget their disagreement and become friends again 握手言和
cat and dog life
Partners who are constantly quarrelling 双方老是吵架
caught in the crossfire
To suffer the consequences of an argument or a dispute between two people or groups 受到两面夹击
clean the air
To try to remove the causes of suspicion, fear or
worry by talking about the problem openly 消除隔阂,坦诚谈谈
go against the tide
One who does not conform to the current trends or the opinions or behaviour of other people 反潮流,不跟随大众
let bygones be bygones
One who is able to forget past disagreements 不追究过去,不咎既往
lock horns
To get into an argument or fight with someone 引发冲突
make a mountain out of a molehill
To make a small unimportant problem seem much more serious than it is 小题大做
much ado about nothing
One who makes a lot of fuss over something unimportant 大惊小怪
olive branch
To hold out an olive branch means wanting to end a disagreement or dispute and make peace 主动让步,提出和解
sit on the fence
Not wanting to take sides in a discussion or argument 保持中立不表态
send someone packing
To tell someone to leave in a forceful and unfriendly way 赶走某人,慢走不送!
skating on
thin ice
One who is doing or saying something that could cause disagreement or trouble 如履薄冰,身在惹祸上身的处境

Consequences / Effects 后果影响类
answer for
One who accepts responsibility for one’s action ...负责人
come to a bad end
A person’s action which leads to disastrous consequences which are something predictable 遭遇不测
can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs
It is impossible to make important changes without causing some unpleasant effects 必须愿意付出代价,才会有所得
cut both ways
Something that has both positive and negative effects at the same time 有利有弊
even the score
One who tries to take revenge on someone who has cheated or done harm to him 报仇雪恨,扯平
face the music
A person who has to accept the unpleasant consequences of his actions 承担后果
fall from grace
One who has done something wrong and as a result has lost his good reputation 误入歧途而堕落,失去人心
fall on one's sword
To accept the consequences of an unsuccessful action or a wrongdoing 承担责任或后果
get your fingers burnt
A person who suffers as a result of an unsuccessful action and is nervous about trying again 尝到苦果
price you have to pay
Something you have to endure in return for something you gain or achieve 付出代价
ripple effect
An action that has an effect on something, and in turn affects something else too 连锁反应
reap the harvest
You benefit or suffer as a direct impact or result of your past actions 做了某件事而获得好或坏的成果
slap on the wrist
To receive mild punishment or be reprimanded for something you have done 轻微的惩罚
take the rap
To accept blame or punishment for something even if you are not responsible 背黑锅,帮他人承担刑事责任
tit for tat
It refers to an injury or insult given in return for one received 以牙还牙,以同样的方式报复

Problems / Difficulties 难题困境类
bite off more than you can chew
Try to do something that is too difficult for you, or more than you can manage 不自量力
break the back of the beast
One who succeeds in overcoming major difficulties 成功突破极大的难关
can of worms
A situation that is complicated, unpleasant and difficult to deal with 难以解决的复杂问题
come hell or high water
You will do something in spite of the difficulties involved 不顾一切有决心地完成
cross the bridge when we come to it
You will deal with the problem when it occurs and not worry about it beforehand 船到桥头自然直,等事情发生了再应对
elephant in the room
A problem that no one wants to discuss, but is so obvious that it cannot be ignored 某事虽然明显却被集体视而不见,人们不愿提及的棘手问题
go haywire
Something that becomes disorganised or goes out of control 发生故障
high and dry
Being in a difficult situation without help or resources 处于孤立无援的困境
in dire straits
Being in a very serious and difficult situation 处于棘手困难的处境
light at the end of the tunnel
To see signs of hope for the future after a long period of difficulty 长时间受难后看到希望的曙光
out of sync
Movements or actions that are not coordinated and are not taking place at the same time or at the same speed 格格不入,不一致的,不协调的
no quick fix
There is no simple solution to a problem 没有即时解决的办法
saved by the bell
Something happens at the last minute to rescue you from a difficult situation 突然从苦难的局面中被解救出来
spell trouble
Something that signifies a possible problem in the future 带来或预示着麻烦
stir up a hornet’s nest
You do something which causes a commotion and provokes criticism and anger 引起骚动,招惹麻烦
stop the rot
To prevent a situation from deteriorating, especially in politics or business 遏制事态的恶化(多指政治或商业方面)

Law and Order 法律勒令类
above board
A situation or business that is open, honest and legal  光明正大
a whistle-blower
One who reports an illegal or harmful activity to the authorities, and gives information about those responsible for it 吹哨人,告密者,揭弊者
behind bars
Someone who is in prison 囚禁,坐牢
beyond reasonable doubt
Is a legal expression which means something is certain 排除合理的嫌疑
black and white
Something that has written proof 白纸黑字写下来的书面形式
case in point
An example which serves to illustrate, support or prove a point which is currently under discussion 一个恰当的例子(作为论证或阐述)
caught red-handed
One who is caught while doing something wrong or illegal 被当场抓个正着
daylight robbery
Refers to the price of something which is way too high 价格贵到不可思议(好像光天化日之下抢人家的钱)
fair hearing
One gets the opportunity to present evidence in court when being accused of wrongdoing 得到机会申辩/公平的审讯
get out of hand
A situation which cannot be controlled any longer 一发不可收拾
take the law into one’s own hands
To act against someone who has done something wrong instead of calling the police 私自治罪,不透过法律擅自惩罚犯罪者
toe the line
To obey the rules and accept the principles laid down by a person, group or organisation 遵守规则,服从要求


A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. 真正的朋友是在全世界都远离你的时候向你走来
Education is the best provision for the journey to old age. 教育是防老最佳的本钱
Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量
Sir Francis Bacon
An error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. 一个人的过错在不去改正之前永远都不是错误
Orlando A.
Success is the opportunity to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. 成功是在你不失热忱当下经历一次次挫折的机会。
Winston Churchill
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. 我们最大的荣光不在于从不失败,而在于每次跌倒后能够站起来
Oliver Goldsmith
It is not the strongest species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. 最终能生存下来的物种,不是最强的,也不是最聪明的,而是最能适应改变的物种
Charles Darwin
Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. 天才是一分的天份,加上九十九分的后天努力
Thomas Edison
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. 不犯错误的人将不会尝试新事物
Albert Einstein
Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever. 活到老,学到老
Mahatma Gandhi
There is no friend as loyal as a book. 没有比书本更忠诚的朋友了
Ernest Hemmingway
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. 恐惧本身才是可怕的
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything. 只有不作任何事的人才不会犯错
Theodore Roosevelt
A good laugh is sunshine in the house. 友善的微笑好比照射进屋的阳光
William Thackery
No man is rich enough to buy back his past. 过去的事是无法用金钱买回来的
Oscar Wilde
True friends stab you in the front. 真心朋友是在你面前捅你一刀的人
Oscar Wilde
Be nice to people on your way up because you will meet them on your way down. 占上风的时候对人好一些,因为当你丧气的时候会遇见他
Jimmy Durante
A room without books is like a body without a soul. 毫无书香的空间就像毫无灵魂的身躯
Marcus T. Cicero
If you can dream it, you can do it. 有梦想,就可以做得到
Walt Disney
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. 智慧就是适应转变的能力
Stephen Hawking
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. 选一个你热爱的工作,你这辈子一天都不用干活了
(最早使用的人是哲学教授Arthur Szathmary,但他并没有指是谁,只说是 an old-timer)
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. 努力变成别人乌云中的彩虹吧
Maya Angelou
Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. 教育是打开自由金色大门的钥匙
George Washington

