
【AKAUN 会计】会计生上了大学有“国英文化冲突”?!赶紧看懂这138大学英文会计单词!

中学时期所学的会计都是国文,但到了大学时期竟然全是英文😱😱 想必这对会计学徒带来不少困扰吧,以下就是博主私家整理的一些笔记(包括中英文解释哦) 希望可以为各位带来小小帮助!


【笑问客访 #2】作为STPM考生的你重考/重改过吗?曾经历是苦是乐,博主们分享经历给还在迷茫的你



献给目前身处黎明或黑暗的所有在籍 STPM 考生: 


【生活】「饮食空间」Food Dimension 槟城平价美味韩国餐体验!大推香味四溢的招牌部队锅 || 记录博主美食人生


就在我们公布全新团队的前一天,新老博主们特别组织了一场轻松愉快的美味聚餐,也顺道记录了我们与众不同的吃货生活 😋



【英文 Essay】Write About Emotions and how you deal with them

Dealing with Emotions

Dealing with emotions is vital to your health. Managing our feelings is facing, accepting, and working through them. We will always have emotions, so we have to learn to deal with them. If repressed 压抑, they will find ways to come out as in depression, anxieties, panic, eating disorders to name but a few. 

A lot of the time, people do not want to feel what they are feeling. They may be ashamed or guilty of these feelings, or they just do not like a certain emotion. For example, you start to like your best friend's girlfriend or boyfriend. You don't know how it happened, but you're now stuck in a predicament 困境 where you are totally infatuated 痴情 with your best friend's' girlfriend or boyfriend. Naturally, you would try to suppress 抑制 these feelings. If you ignore them, maybe they'll go away, right? WRONG! The chances are small that your feelings will just leave you; you'll most probably be feeling terrible about yourself, plus, a build-up of pent-up 被压抑的 emotions leads to stress!

Confront 面对 those emotions that you're trying to ignore. Here's what you may like to do: keep a diary in which you write down your feelings. This diary is a way for you to think about the emotions that you are undergoing. By writing down and analyzing your feelings, you become aware of the real reason why you're feeling the way you are, and the emotion becomes less painful.