

无论 SPM 1119 还是 MUET Writing,最令许多考生头痛的,无非是遣词用字方面的瓶颈。



👉 郑重提醒:并非每个单词都适合直接替换!**有个小撇步:一旦你认准要使用某个替换词,得先自行查看怎样用这个词来造出句子。版主特别推荐 Linguee 这个在线词典门户网站,它采用网上所搜得的大量资料去进行整句翻译,非常实用与标准 😍

如下图所示,只要在搜索栏输入指定的单词,基本上它就会很完整地把“词语解释”和“网络例句”列出来,就算你输入词组(比如 ponder over),同样也会显示结果哦~

#会一直陆续更新 😉


think 认为,思考
take into consideration, consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, think over, reflect on/upon

support 支持
approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by one's side, agree with, give one's assent, advocate 主张, recommend 推荐

say no to 反对
oppose, object to, be against, resist, boycott 抵制

use 使用
optimise, make best/full use of employ, utilise, apply

show 显示
demonstrate, portray, mirror 反映 (反映社会进步:mirror the social progress/advance) 

cause 导致
spell (招来很多问题:spell various problems)lead to, give rise to, result in (例句:Regular exercise can result in a general diminution in stress levels)

join 参加
participate in, attend, take part in, go in for, engage in 

pay one's attention to 注意
focus on, center on, concentrate on, set one's mind on, be lost in, be occupied in, be attentive on

see 看
view, notice, spot, note, catch sight of, glance 扫视, glimpse 瞥见, detect 察觉, observe 观察, witness 目睹

attack 攻击
strike, assault

be used to 适应
be adapted to, be accustomed to, be adjusted to 

bear 承担
endure, tolerate

blame 责备
criticise, condemn, reproach, reprimand, excoriate 苛责

build 建造
construct, manufacture, mould 塑造

buy 买
purchase, pay for 

catch 抓住
capture, grab, grasp, seize 

change 改变
convert, alter, amend, modify, reform, reorganise, adjust 

decide 决定,断定
come to the conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, judge, assert, wind up

depend on 依赖/依靠
rely on, lean on

dislike 不喜欢
disgust, loathe 厌恶, abominate 痛恨 

decrease/reduce 减少 
diminish, decline, dwindle

increase 增加
grow, rise, escalate, elevate, surge, skyrocket 暴涨 

enlarge 增大
magnify, multiply, intensify 强化

force 强迫 

get 得到
acquire, obtain, attain, reap, earn, gain, procure, achieve 实现/获得

give 给予
offer, provide, supply, serve, present, lend 借出, contribute 贡献, deliver (speech/lecture)

grab 抓住
seize (抓住机会: seize the opportunity/chance)

happen/appear 发生,出现
take place, occur, arise, emerge

stay away 避免
avoid, shun 回避

stop 阻止
cease, hinder, curb, hamper, restrain, halt, prevent, ward off, avoid

worsen 恶化
exacerbate, deteriorate


good side 优点
advantage, merit, benefit 

bad side 缺点
disadvantage, defect, flaw, drawback, deficiency 

accident 意外
mishap (如果某活动成功举行,可以说 The event took place without mishap)misfortune, tragedy 悲剧, disaster/calamity/catastrophe 灾难, calamity 伤亡

aim 目的
objective, purpose, intention 意图, goal, target

ability 能力
capability, potential 潜力, talent 才能, expertise 专长

conflict 冲突/矛盾
contradiction, collision, mismatch, dispute, controversy 争议

danger 危险
peril, risk, hazard, jeopardy, threat, menace, pitfall 陷阱

difficulty 困难
challenge, trouble, puzzle 困惑, obstacle 障碍, Herculean task, blind alley/dead-end 死路

duty/responsibility 义务/责任

field 领域 
domain, sector

method/way 方法 
approach, mean

opinion 意见

part 部分 

partner 拍档 

problem 问题 

result 结果


bad 坏的
atrocious, unpleasant, decayed, awful, unsatisfactory, inferior (质量)低劣的, adverse 不利的 (负面影响:adverse effect)

important 重要的
far-reaching, profound, significant, eventful, key, essential, fundamental, crucial, decisive, vital, substantial, play an important part in... 

glad, happy 高兴的
be in a good mood, cheerful, joyful, joyous, pleased, delighted, elated

hardworking 勤奋的
diligent, studious, industrious, painstaking 刻苦, tireless, sedulous

serious 认真的
conscientious, cautious

calm 平静的
sober, reasonable, sensible, rational

clever 聪明的
intelligent, bright, wise, brilliant, smart, ingenious

tired 累的
exhausted, fatigued, run-down, worn-out, weary 

harmful/negative 有害的,负面的
detrimental, destructive, toxic, unfavourable

old, ancient 古老的

careful 小心的
cautious, alert, aware, prudent

angry 生气的
enraged, annoyed, irritated, furious

attractive 吸引人的
fascinating, charming, appealing, enchanting, captivating, stunning

beautiful 美丽的
elegant, picturesque 如画的, gorgeous, exquisite 精美的

best 最好的

big 大的
huge, giant, massive, gigantic, tremendous, vast, enormous, immense

boring 令人感到无聊的
(bored = 某个人感到无聊,比如:This class is boring. I'm bored)
tedious, monotonous, dull

brave 勇敢的
fearless, courageous, bold, daring, valorous

brief 简要的
concise, succinct

busy 繁忙的
occupied, unavailable

clean 清洁
purified, spotless, immaculate 一尘不染

cold 冷的
chilly, freezing

common 常见的
general, universal, habitual, prevalent 流行, widespread 广布的

dangerous 危险的
risky, hazardous, threatening, menacing, perilous, insecure, lethal 致命的

difficult 困难的
tough, burdensome, arduous, perplexing 令人困惑的, strenuous 艰苦的, Herculean 艰巨的

many 许多
numerous, a multitude of, countless不计其数的, endless, unlimited, innumerable, abundant 大量, myriad 无数, a slew of, multifarious 

expensive 贵的

fair 公平

famous 著名的
prestigious, distinguished

fast 快速 
rapid, swift, immediate, prompt 迅速的 (尽快采取行动:take prompt action)

forever 永远

good 好的

greatly 非常

near 靠近

obey 服从
comply with

obvious 明显

only 仅有的(不作副词用)

poor 贫穷的
pathetic, impoverished

possible 可能

quite 相当

rich 富有的

ruin 毁灭

self-satisfied 自满的 

sharp 锋利的

short 短的

shocked 吃惊的 
flabbergasted, astounded, terror-stricken 吓坏的

strange/weird 奇怪

top 顶部

ugly 丑陋的

unclear/blurry 模糊的
vague, obscure

wet 湿的

whole 整个


wrong 错的
erroneous, inaccurate 不准确, misleading 误导性的, be wide of the mark (例句:The weather forecast yesterday was wide of the mark)

smelly 臭的


always 老是,总是
invariably, all the time, endlessly

In conclusion 总的来说
To wrap it all up, All in all, In a nutshell, Ultimately, Last but not least, In short 简单来说, Briefly to conclude...

like/for example/such as 例如
for instance, namely 即, including 包括 (建议不要在举完例子后加 "and others/and so on" - 这属于常规性错误)

nowadays 现今 

so 所以 
hence, thus, therefore, consequently

should 应该
ought to

2 条评论:

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    1. 致 Joe:
      感谢你对我们的支持 ❤️ 我们会负重而行,为大家开创更多新视野 💪

