
【英文 Essay】Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be (Intermediate Level)

        We all have been borrowers or lenders at some point in our lives. The saying seems to imply (意味着)that we should do neither. There is no doubt that an unpaid debt puts it strain on friendship, just like a borrowed item that is kept for too long or not returned at all. Seeing that it is virtually impossible to avoid borrowing or lending among friends and family members, there are certain practices that must be adopted so that relationships do not suffer.

        When we borrow from others, we are in fact accepting an offer of help in our time of need. Whether it is about borrowing money or items, we are duty-bound (有义务)to care for these items and return them within the stipulated (规定的) or expected time frame. If an item has been damaged while under your care, you must repair it or offer to replace it rather than returning it in a poorer condition than it was in.

        Habitual borrowing is also frowned upon (不被赞成的)in any relationship. If you had to borrow your neighbour's vacuum cleaner four times in the last month, chances are you need to get one of your own. If you cannot afford one, you need to make do without. While people may be accommodating, borrowers should not take advantage of their friends' generosity and kindness.

        Borrowing money from friends should only be a last resort in desperate (绝望)times. You should be truly in need of the money for a worthy cause. Even the most generous of friends will resent (怨恨)you if you are in debt and yet are seen to be living an extravagant (奢侈的)life. If you must borrow from friends, then you must offer interest on your loan, to be fair to the lender.

        Many friendship has been destroyed by borrowing and lending of money. If you are approached by a friend who is in need of money, it is difficult to refuse. However, the golden rule in lending money is to give an amount that you can afford not to receive back. You must also be discerning (辨别)to potential borrowers and evaluate if it is justified in parting with your money. A friend who severs a friendship because you have turned down his or her request to borrow money is no friend at all.

        In short, self-sufficiency is always the best policy. When we accept or extend help to others, we must be careful to act in a responsible manner so as to avoid jeopardising (危及)the relationship.

(Source: 200 MODEL ESSAYS for PMR English, Audrey Lynn Raj)

